As of December 12, 2017
Scientific Literature
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Calder RSD, Schartup AT, Li M, Valberg AP, Balcom PH, Sunderland EM (2016) Future Impacts of Hydroelectric Power Develoment on Methylmercury Exposures of Canadian Indigenous Communities. Environmental Science and Technology. Doi 10.1021/acs.est.6b04447
Chetelat J, Amyot M, Arp P, Blais JM, Depew D, Emerton CA, Evans M, Gamberg M, Gantner N, Girard C, Graydon J, Kirk J, Lean D, Lehherr, I, Muir D, Nasr M, Poulai AJ, Power M, Roach P, Stern G, Swanson H, van der Velden S (2015). Mercury in freshwater ecosystems of the Canadian Arctic: Recent advances on its cycling and fate. Science of the Total Environment 509-510: 41-66
Durkalec A, Sheldon T, Bell T (2016) Summary for policymakers – Lake Melville Avativut Kanuittailinnivut (Our Environment, Our Health). Nain, NL Nunatsiavut Government.
Durkalec A, Sheldon T, Bell T. (Eds) (2016) Lake Melville Avativut Kanuittailinnivut (Our Environment, Our Health) Scientific Report. Nain, NL Nunatsiavut Government.
Durkalec A, Sheldon T, Bell T (2016) Lake Melville Avativut Kanuittailinnivut (Our Environment, Our Health) Community Report. Nain, NL Nunatsiavut Government.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Region (2009) Science Evaluation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Generation Project to Identify Deficiencies with Respect to Fish and Fish Habitat. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Science Advisory Report 2009/024.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Region (2016) Review of Mercury Bioaccumulation in the Biota of Lake Melville. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Science Advisory Report 2016/015.
Li M, Schartup AM, Valberg AP, Ewald JD, Krabbenhoft DP, Yin R, Balcom PH, Sunderland EM. (2016) Environmental Origins of Methylmercury Accumulated in Subarctic Estuarine Fish Indicated by Mercury Stable Isotopes. Environmental Science and Technology 50:11559-11568
Mailman M, Bodaly RA (2005) Total mercury, methylmercury and carbon in fresh and burned plants and soil in Northwestern Ontario. Environmental Pollution 138: 161-166.
Mailman M, Bodaly RA (2006) The burning question: Does burning before flooding lower methylmercury production and bioaccumulation? Environmental Pollution 368: 407-417.
Schartup AT, Balcom PH, Sorensen AL, Gosnell KJ, Calder RSD, Mason RP, Sunderland ES (2015) Freshwater discharges drive high levels of methylmercury in Arctic marine biota. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 11789-11794. Doi:10.1073/pnas.1505541112
Schartup AT, Mason RP, Balcom PH, Hollweg TA, Chen CY (2013) Methylmercury production in estuarine sediments: role of organic matter. Environ Sci Technol 47(2):695-700.
Wiener JG, Bodaly RA, Brown SS, Lucotte M, Newman MC, Porcella DB, Reash RJ, Swain EB (2007). Monitoring and evaluating trends in methylmercury accumulation in aquatic biota. In: “Ecosystem responses to mercury contamination: Indicators of change”, Harris, R., Krabbenhoft, D. P., Mason, R., Murray, M. W., Reash, R., and Saltman, T., eds., CRC Press, New York, NY pp. 87-122.
CAMP (Coordinated Aquatic Monitoring Program). 2014. Three Year Summary Report (2008-2010). Report prepared for the Manitoba/Manitoba Hydro MOU Working Group by North/South Consultants Inc., Winnipeg, MB, Vol. 1-13.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (2016). Canadian mercury science assessment. Executive Summary: Summary of Key Results:
Project Specific Memos, Reports and Links:
AFW (Amec Foster Wheeler) 2016. Aquatic Environmental Effects Monitoring Program, 1998 to 2015 Baseline Conditions, Muskrat Falls; submitted to Nalcor Energy Ltd. by Amec Foster Wheeler, March 2016.
AGAT Laboratories, August 10, 2017. Letter to Mr. James McCarthy (Amec Foster Wheeler) Re: Instrument Detection Limit, Method Detection Limit, Reporting Detection Limit.
AMEC, ongoing. Water and sediment sampling program data and summary reports, Lower Churchill Project.
AMEC (2008) Bank Stability Study.
AMEC (2011) Bank Stability and Fish Habitat 2010 Field Investigation Reports Vol 1.
AMEC, 2016. Muskrat Falls Soil Sampling Program 2016.
AMEC, August 4, 2017. TOC Sampling Report Addendum
Azimuth Consulting Group Partnership, July 31, 2017. Technical Memorandum NE 16-01. Relationship between Muskrat Falls Reservoir Elevation and Mercury Concentrations in Downstream Water – May 2017.
Azimuth Consulting Group Partnership, October 18, 2017. Quantitative Measurement of Labile Carbon in Organic Soils of the Lower Churchill River.
Golder Associates, December 2015, Nalcor Energy Lower Churchill Project: Report on the Baseline Dietary Survey and Human Biomonitoring Program. Project No. 1403259
Government of Canada (ongoing) Real-Time Hydrometric Data Map
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2017 Methylmercury Monitoring in the Muskrat Falls Reservoir, Churchill River and Lake Melville for the period October 2016-February 2017
SNC Lavalin, September 2017. Lower Churchill Project, Reservoir Slope Stability, An Overview